{% set baseFontFamily = "Open Sans" %} /* Add the font family you wish to use. You may need to import it above. */

{% set headerFontFamily = "Open Sans" %} /* This affects only headers on the site. Add the font family you wish to use. You may need to import it above. */

{% set textColor = "#565656" %} /* This sets the universal color of dark text on the site */

{% set pageCenter = "1100px" %} /* This sets the width of the website */

{% set headerType = "fixed" %} /* To make this a fixed header, change the value to "fixed" - otherwise, set it to "static" */

{% set lightGreyColor = "#f7f7f7" %} /* This affects all grey background sections */

{% set baseFontWeight = "normal" %} /* More than likely, you will use one of these values (higher = bolder): 300, 400, 700, 900 */

{% set headerFontWeight = "normal" %} /* For Headers; More than likely, you will use one of these values (higher = bolder): 300, 400, 700, 900 */

{% set buttonRadius = '40px' %} /* "0" for square edges, "10px" for rounded edges, "40px" for pill shape; This will change all buttons */

After you have updated your stylesheet, make sure you turn this module off

CommScope: A Customer Dilemma, Checking You Get What You Paid For

by Brian Brown on April 2, 2012

High performance infrastructure products—whether antennas, cables or connectors—are designed and manufactured to exacting standards. Even the smallest manufacturing or material variances can affect performance.

This is not just a dilemma for the manufacturer but also the customer. Customers expect to get the performance they paid for.

In the buying process, customers use a variety of ways, including research and testing, to try andassure their requirements are met. These include:

 - Manufacturer’s warranty and specifications

- Compliance to industry standards

- Pre-installation ‘bake-off’ tests

- Independent test reports

While these efforts offer some peace of mind and benchmarking for a customer, they are based on specific product samples or tests and not the actual product the customer deploys in his or her network.

Peace of mind in that regard can only come from access to the production test data of a product.Now wouldn’t that be great?

commscope, commscope app

Well, CommScope’s patented WebTrak® system is designed to empower customers to access the test data for their purchased products via an online system. For the first time, this can also be accessed via a mobile device with the launch of the new cTrak mobile app.

 See the new app in action in the video.

The hope is that this innovation will add value to your operations, but let us know what you think.


Post originally appeared on the CommScope Blog. 

Topics: Structured Cabling Commscope

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