Join Us for a Free Webinar on Fiber Optics Solutions for Harsh Environments |
This one-hour webinar, conducted by a Corning Marketing Specialist Jeanna Deese, focuses on a mix of solutions, product discussions, and demonstrations found typically in harsh fiber-optic cabling environments.
Many of the unusual environments in which you find fiber-optic cabling are physically demanding on the infrastructure and require it to have rugged physical characteristics. A reliable infrastructure is critical to ensuring that all of this happens without disruption. Generally, harsh-environment applications can subject the fiber plant to extremes in temperature, vibration and shock. Because of the environment’s “muck-and-yuck” nature, special consideration must be made in selecting the necessary components to meet the mechanical and abrasive demands of the harsh environment in which the infrastructure must operate.
The presenter brings real world experience and application to the discussion. Attendee questions and input are welcome, making this a dynamic and interactive learning opportunity.
· Overview of Harsh Environment Needs
· Overview of Harsh Environment Fiber Optic Solutions and Products
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Time: 1 to 2 p.m.