Model 1028 NEMA 4 Ceiling & Wall Enclosures for Public Safety Wireless Equipment
During emergencies like fires, a sprinkler system can wreak havoc on communications equipment and interfere with the vital transfer of information when it is most needed. Cellular equipment and wireless access points that can be kept dry and sealed become an especially important asset, allowing for emergency calls and wireless public service notifications to reach their destinations.
To address the issue of communications safety and performance when water is present, Oberon has merged its popular lines of ceiling enclosures for wireless access points and its line of NEMA-rated indoor/outdoor enclosures to create a new indoor, water-tight enclosure.
This aesthetic, white powder-coated water and dust-proof enclosure has knockouts in the hinged door for ceiling-mounted antennas or watertight bulkhead connectors for antennas. The watertight enclosure is designed to withstand high pressure spray and washdown, making it especially suitable for use in healthcare facilities, labratories, and other places where contact with water may occur.
The Model 1028s are deep enough to accommodate the Cisco 3600/3700 Aironet Series and other large wireless access points and DAS remote access units with external connectors and up to five antennas.

Model 1028-08-ANT5-B
Hard Lid Ceiling Mounted NEMA Enclosure for Wireless Equipment
The Model 1028-08-ANT5-B is a hard lid ceiling enclosure designed to protect critical wireless access points, DAS remote units, and public safety equipment with detachable antennas. This aesthetic, white powder coated water and dust proof steel enclosure has knockouts in the hinged door for ceiling mounted antennas or water resistant bulkhead connectors for antennas. The Model 1028-08 is deep enough to accommodate the Cisco 3600 series and other large wireless access points, and DAS remote access units, with external connectors and up to five antennas. This is the only ceiling enclosure which is both plenum rated and designed to provide NEMA 4 dust and water protection.

Model 1028-08-ANT5-F
Suspended Ceiling Mounted NEMA Enclosure for Wireless Equipment
The Model 1028-08-ANT5-F is a suspended ceiling enclosure designed to protect critical wireless access points, DAS remote units, and public safety equipment with detachable antennas. This aesthetic, white powder coated water and dust proof steel enclosure has knockouts in the hinged door for ceiling mounted antennas or water resistant bulkhead connectors for antennas. The Model 1028-08 is deep enough to accommodate the Cisco 3600 series and other large wireless access points, and DAS remote access units, with external connectors and up to five antennas. This is the only ceiling enclosure which is both plenum rated and designed to provide NEMA 4 dust and water protection.
Learn more here.